Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Luck? what is it anyways

Have been thinking about this for some time now.. what is LUCK? Why are some people always or most of the time lucky and some are constantly unlucky in life. Why do a set of things 'happen' to just a selected bunch!

After brainstorming for a while I am beginning to think that there is nothing like 'LUCK'. It’s more of set of decisions one makes all through his life, is aware of opportunities around him and grabs the one at right time.

I invite all to share their views on this.. what is luck for each of us and what is 'right time' or ‘timing’ as we call it!

An interesting read about 90/10 principle. It about how the decisions we make.. make our day...


  1. Hi Shipra. This topic is definitely debatable. I agree that we make our day and eventually our life by making choices. I am one of those people who believe in luck once a in a while, may be more than 10% in some instances. For example, you can’t select your parents and family, that is given to you by luck (or destiny). Although I am very blessed to have a great family, when I see some other unfortunate people who have so many family issues, that time I think I am ‘lucky’. As far as career and money is concerned, although luck plays a small role, it matters at what time you get lucky. I mean, certain people are there at the right time, at the right place, etc etc. But overall, 95% of that is hard work and choices you make. For example, you have to practice all your life to be a good athlete, but to be born in a family or a country that realize your talent and provide you with the support needed to be successful is luck.

    And finally discussion about the unfortunate events of life likes accidents or deaths. I guess we will call it bad luck. For example, all those people who either died or were trapped in Taj hotel at the time of the attack. No body saw that coming so obviously they couldn’t choose this. We are talking about very, very slim chance.

    How about people who win lottery? Or get selected in a game show or win a free car at a lucky-draw in a mall? Now those guys are really lucky! 

  2. Just read the 90/10 principle ( the link won't open in my office), it's a great idea. I am guilty of responding to a situation quickly and letting it ruin my day.

  3. Hey, I do agress with you on lottery and luck draws. I watched this movie - slumdog milloniare.. and there is a good play of luck in it... I do not want to talk about the story, its great and all should watch it... but we can discuss it once atleast a few have watche dit

  4. I want to watch that movie so bad! And yes, I too was thinking about that while reading this post. But I thought it was going to release in India on 23rd Jan. Where did you watch it? If you watched online, then send me the link. I am fighting with the wife to go see this movie over the weekend but she wants to see CC2C. You know who will win, don't you?! :(

  5. He he .. Ritesh if she wins your bad luck eh?!

    Luck .... Well most individuals either "listen" to their "head" or to their "hearts" but never both of them. When you have trained (either thru practice or by default) your "heart" to guide you to think about a decisions to be made in your "head" and you start to listen to both is "Luck". Takes a lot of practice though

  6. Luck…luck ..luck …what is it huh?
    It is an acronym, Labor Under Correct Knowledge.

    I do fully agree with the author Stephen Covey that, 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.

    I have a story about how I got the driving license. I cracked my written test in first attempt but it took me four attempts to clear the road test.

    Oh my gosh that was really terrible time! I did lot of practice. It was my first attempt for road test, I was nervous, little bit scared.We reached there for test. Instructor asked to drive. He took me to the test route and started giving me instructions. My start was good but as soon as he asked me to change lane I got very nervous and committed mistake and was completely scared and because of this I just lost my confidence and of course my test also. This happened to me three times. At that time I blamed my luck!

    Then I decided to take few lessons at driving school and that really helped me a lot. They taught me how to control myself while driving. And finally in the fourth attempt I got my license!!

    What the instructor asked me to do was not in my control but how to react to his instructions was in my control.
    So I can’t say that was completely luck.

  7. I kinda like the acronym. Labor Under Correct Knowledge

    Thanks This gets filled in my permanent memory:)


