Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The first post

The first post..

would wann to welcome each of the 11 cousins to the blog... lets use this space to talk out brains out... lets share knowledge, lets try to learn. lets use this to for the K factor..

lets not brag in our emotions out here. this space is ment to share what we think .. and as agreed there is no right or worng way to think... in fact thinking is the most individual activity that we as humans can do .... and its thinking that has shaped the world as we see...

so lets start a new edition out there...

would also request each of you to plz blog what you wann this space to be and not to...
looking fd for a real exciting blog to hang out on.


  1. Hi Sumeet

    Good job in taking the initiative to start the blog. I am also looking forward to add this to my daily blogs browising list.

    Just one quick note - please write your original ideas. We normally don't take Plagiarism very seriously, but please take it this time.Give credit to others. Use their ideas to select a topic, sure, but don't copy-paste content and make it look like your own. Instead, reference the source.

    Also, here is a link for some basis blogging tips.


  2. A quick update to my comment above - the 'note' is meant for EVERY AUTHOR, not just for Sumeet. Sorry.

  3. So whats the first topic!

    What are morals??
