Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pleasure and Joy

 What is the difference between pleasure and joy ? Pleasure is a physical state that is derived from a sense of achievement. One works to earn money to enjoy the pleasures of what can be provided by the monetary benefits that one accumulates . Joy on the other hand is an unbridled emotional state of being . 

What then is the state that is better in the long run ? I should know considering that I have changed my career tracks more than once - it’s never been a change to earn more money and therefore gain more pleasure but more important has been the joy of the work I do and the contribution no matter how small to make the world a better place (soapbox ? - no . Fact I enjoy the work I do when I am sure it is making a difference no matter how small.. it could be saving time on a process or even something simpler just improving the quality of work being done by someone else) 

The teachers I had in school found joy in improving the knowledge of impressionable young kids not so much the ones I met in engineering college; those teacher just wanted to get through the day. Some of them derived pleasure in hauling up kids for no reason... What a huge difference. 

I derive pleasure daily by eating 75% dark chocolate and a strong arabica espresso amongst other pleasurable pursuits (huge dopamine kick); but the joy I derive has been for the last 20 so years driven by the impact my life and actions have had on my immediate family and others who would be stakeholders in the work or the activities that I do. 

It saddens me that we as a nation have reached a point where Joy is forgotten and pleasure has become more important . Pleasure in the misery of others misfortune is being broadcast 24/7 on all news channels and supposedly “educated “ people are willing to go hammer and tongs repeating the misery and finding pleasure in doing this. 

“Let my people awake...”- find joy ; share joy . In whatever mechanism that works for you. I for one will continue to strive to make a difference no matter how big or small and how uncomputable by calculus it is. 


Saturday, October 3, 2020

The wonder of the brain

Have you ever got up in the middle of the night with a spark of genius- in simpler terms a solution to a problem you went to sleep thing about ? Did you ever think about where the solution came from ? Most standard accepted accounts say “the universe provides” or “the all mighty knows and helps in times of need” and a few more statements like these that in my opinion tend to belittle the power of the human mind. 

Thinking further this spark of genius is not limited to just the middle of the night.. it could happen at any time and we of course call it “inspiration” 

Well then what is the cause for this ? 

Most people tend to predominantly use one half of their brain (scientists have proven this) and people are bracketed as either left brain or right brain thinkers . Excellent another label to work with ;) . 

The spark of genius is theorised to happen when both half’s of the brain are in complete sync and ones dominant personality vanishes for that brief instance in time. History is full of inspiring folks and one common trait in them has been the stroke of their genius has been when both half’s of the brain are in sync. 

It takes a lot of effort to train one’s mind to be able to use both half’s at the same time and not leave it to some random chance. It’s taken me 30+ years after school to understand this simple idea. 

The idea is so simple and something that needs to be thought to kids as they grow up - essentially a new born baby uses both half’s (again scientifically proven) but we “loose” ourselves as we go through school and college finally forgetting this simple skill. 

Life is supposed to be a reflection of one’s thoughts- wouldn’t it be better if we used both half’s of the brain to think ? 

As always feedback welcome